Wyoming Untrapped Calls for Trapping Reform

Wyoming Untrapped is an incredible organization that aims to halt the barbaric practice of trapping. Trapping involves using a device to remotely capture or kill an animal. Often, animals are stuck suffering in excruciating pain for days or die due to thirst, starvation, or exposure to the elements. Many non-targeted species, such as domestic dogs, also get trapped in these horrific devices. One common method of killing wolves and other predators in Wyoming, aside from using snowmobiles for "whacking," is trapping. A device known as a killing neck snare is still legal in Wyoming, even though it doesn’t meet humane international standards, according to Wyoming Untrapped. These torturous traps cause less than 50% of trapped canids to lose consciousness within 5 minutes of being caught, meaning most animals suffer for hours or even days. Despite this, these cruel devices are still used in the fur trade, affecting both wildlife and dogs. Additionally, in Wyoming, snares often aren’t checked for up to 13 days, resulting in immense suffering. If you want to help make a difference, donate to Wyoming Untrapped and visit their site to determine which legislators to reach out to in order to reform trapping.


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